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Brain Allergies

Copyright 1980, Keats Publishing ISBN 08798342692

by William H. Philpott

Dr. Philpott’s excellent book discusses the link between food and the brain. Specifically, he discuusses mood and food intolerances, which are very prevelent and often overlooked or not even looked for. Highly recommended.

Healing the Mind the Natural Way: Nutritional Solutions to Psychological Problems

Copyright 1995, Penguin Putnam, Inc. ISBN 0874777526

by Pat Lazarus

Pat Lazarus is a medical writer and distills a lot of technical research into an easy to read and understand reference. She draws from the work of Orthomolecular research to shed light on what she calls ” Nutritional Solutions to Pschological Problems”. Also recommended.

Orthomolecular Psychiatry : Treatment of Schizophrenia

Copyright 1973, W.H. Freeman and Company. ISBN 0716708981

Edited by David Hawkins and Linus Pauling

This is an old book and a technical one, but it discusses the relationship between schizophrenia and an increased need for niacin. For those that this therapy helps, it appears to be striking. Of course, this would make one wonder about other mind illnesses and niacin.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Technical as well. A good source for recent research papers.

Yahoo! – Health:Nutrition

Lots of links to nutrition sites, including Cforyourself.

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